I look at an image of your face.
You have eyes that cannot see (me)
And ears that cannot hear (me).
I have worshiped idols.
But…your verboten voice, to me,
Was like the morning dew,
A sign of blessing to the world.
Awakening inner vitality, only to disappear.
The tenor of your voice, like a hint,
Suggestive of love and beauty,
Having done that work,
Vanished from recognition.
Say the Rabbis:
“‘Yours is the dew of your youth’:
Your youthful sins acted like dew--
They roused you to search for God.” 1
Your voice (& eyes & ears) awakened in me
The power of desire.
Through promise and frustration,
They roused me to search for God.
“I will be as dew to Israel,” says the Lord 2
A hint, like perfume;
A word or two is enough;
A whiff of perfume that lingers.
I ask in mourning, dew on my cheeks:
“Would you say I bear guilt all these years
For having worshipped idols?” 3
God reassured Abraham:
“Yours is the dew of your youth” (Ps. 110:3).
Even as dew evaporates,
So our sins may evaporate,
As was for Abraham and his many sons,
(O daughters!)
Do not rejoice over me.
Do not rejoice, my enemy! 4
Though I’ve fallen in darkness,
I will rise again.
Say the Rabbis: “If I had not fallen
I should not have risen up;
If I had not sat in darkness,
God would not be my light.” 5
1. 165, The Murmuring Deep2. Hosea 14:6
3. Bereshit Rabbah 39:9
4. Micah 7:8
5. Yalkut Tehillim 628
* Title: The Power of Desire "The only thing to be done with sinful behavior is to stop it, to repent for it, and never to return to it. As for the power of desire that leads to the sin, it has significantly more positive possibilities" (Chabad.org).