Friday, July 23, 2021

"No, Yes, Maybe": biblical meditations on uncertainty

The ancient saying goes, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” (Proverbs 13:12) But, what did the ancients know about dreams? During times of uncertainty, my dreams call out to me in the wilderness. Dreams protect us against the dark night of the soul and hope deferred. Dreams are much like the suet of a sacrificial animal, the thick fatty substance found around the loins and the kidneys, protecting the most intimate and delicate areas of the body: faith, hope, and love.

My Love, don’t overthink with your head, and tell me, “No.” This will certainly make my heart sick. Tell me: “We shall see…” (1 John 3:2)

I’m afraid of No’s, afraid of being cut off, of endings and walls, afraid of barriers and rejections. Tell me, “We shall see…” and I’ll find my faith again. I’ll dream about you every night.

Don’t go with your gut and tell me, “Yes.” Tell me this certainty instead: “The LORD will give you the desires of your heart.” (Ps. 37:4)

I’m afraid of Yes’s, afraid of commitments and vows, afraid of promises that might get broken. Tell me: “The LORD will give you the desires of your heart.” Then I will find longing and hope again. I’ll dream about everlasting fulfillment.

Don’t tell me with shifting feet, “Maybe.” Tell me, “Love is as strong as death [and a tree of life].” (Song 8:6)

I’m afraid of Maybe’s, of agonizing uncertainty, of death and the unknown. I’m afraid of wavering minds and wavering hearts, and of hope deferred. Instead of Maybe, tell me: “Love is as strong as death,” because uncertainty is only the certainty of change. Uncertainty awakens desire and longing and dreams. Uncertainty is the wilderness where dreams come alive, the place where God spoke and the love longing fulfilled became a tree of life.

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